www.gusucode.com > pluck PHP多国语言简洁CMS系统 v4.7.4PHP源码程序 > pluck PHP多国语言简洁CMS系统 v4.7.4/PluckCMS4.7.4/PluckCMS4.7.4/data/modules/blog/lang/fr.php

$lang['blog']['title'] = 'blog';
$lang['blog']['main_message'] = 'Vous pouve ici créer de nouveaux posts à ajouter à cette catégorie. Les posts seront automatiquement triés par date.';
$lang['blog']['descr'] = 'Utiliser un blog pour poster des nouvelles ou écrire des articles pour vos visiteurs';
$lang['blog']['categories'] = 'catégories';
$lang['blog']['category'] = 'category';
$lang['blog']['choose_cat'] = 'Choose category...';
$lang['blog']['no_cat'] = 'No category';
$lang['blog']['new_cat'] = 'nouvelle catégorie';
$lang['blog']['new_cat_message'] = 'choisissez d\'abord un nom pour votre nouvelle catégorie, puis cliquez sur "sauvegarder"';
$lang['blog']['delete_cat'] = 'effacer la catégorie';
$lang['blog']['posts'] = 'posts existants';
$lang['blog']['new_post'] = 'écrire un nouveau post';
$lang['blog']['edit_post'] = 'modifier le post';
$lang['blog']['delete_post'] = 'effacer le post';
$lang['blog']['at'] = 'at';
$lang['blog']['in'] = 'in';
$lang['blog']['posted_by'] = 'posté par';
$lang['blog']['reactions'] = 'réactions';
$lang['blog']['reaction'] = 'reaction';
$lang['blog']['edit_reactions'] = 'modifier les réactions';
$lang['blog']['edit_reactions_message'] = 'Vous pouvez ici éditer les réactions de vos vositeurs sur le post.';
$lang['blog']['edit_reaction'] = 'edit reaction';
$lang['blog']['delete_reaction'] = 'delete reaction';
$lang['blog']['name'] = 'name';
$lang['blog']['email'] = 'email';
$lang['blog']['website'] = 'website';
$lang['blog']['message'] = 'message';
$lang['blog']['html_not_allowed'] = 'HTML-code is not allowed.';
$lang['blog']['no_reactions'] = 'no reactions';
$lang['blog']['allow_reactions'] = 'Allow visitors to post reactions.';
$lang['blog']['read_more'] = 'read more';
$lang['blog']['truncate_posts'] = 'The number of characters blog posts will be truncated to. Choose 0 to disable truncation.';
$lang['blog']['numeric_error'] = 'You should choose a numeric value for post truncation and/or posts per page.';
$lang['blog']['posts_per_page'] = 'The number of posts that will be displayed per page.';
$lang['blog']['posts_per_page_error'] = 'The number of posts per page cannot be zero!';
$lang['blog']['pages'] = 'Pages:';
$lang['blog']['post_date'] = 'Choose date format.';
$lang['blog']['post_time'] = 'Choose time format.';